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Pound for pound! Another shipping company is bought, and the new owner promises to create ‘the world’s leading shipping company’

According to our latest information: Recently, there was good news about Global Feeder Shipping (GFS), which ranked 24th in global shipping capacity of Alphaliner. The company was acquired and held by AD Ports Group, a Middle Eastern billionaire!


AD Ports Group will own 80 per cent of Dubai-based Shipping company Global Feeder Shipping (GFS) after the $800m acquisition.

Upon completion of the acquisition, GFS services will be combined with SAFEEN Feeders and Transmar, the two other shipping businesses of AD Ports Group, which together will give AD Ports Group a fleet of 35 vessels with a combined capacity of 100,000 TEUs, Become Alphaliner’s 20th largest shipping company on the capacity list!


The acquisition of Global Feeder Shipping, a player with more than 30 years of experience in container feeder services in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, will give AD Ports Group a significant share of the regional market.


Global Feeder Shipping operates 25 container ships with a total capacity of 72,964TEU, ranking 24th in the world in terms of capacity, ahead of RCL, SM Line and Matson.


The acquisition will boost AD Ports Group’s trading activities and connectivity to its core markets and enhance its replenishment business, providing significant economies of scale through an expanded route network and fleet, AD Ports Group said. In addition, the acquisition will further strengthen the company’s hub and spoke model, connecting its core markets in the Gulf, Indian subcontinent, Red Sea and Turkey with key port assets, including Khalifa Port.

In addition, the integration of GFS with the SAFEEN Feeders service has the potential to generate significant operational synergies.

The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2023, subject to regulatory approval. GFS’s existing management will remain in place and its founders will retain a 20 per cent stake in the company.

Falah Mohammed Al Ahbabi, chairman of AD Ports Group, said: “Our acquisition of a majority stake in GFS, the largest outside investment in our company’s history, will bring about a phased change in the range of services we offer and significantly enhance our global connectivity.”